Do you find yourself outlining chapters when you should be engaged in a board meeting?
Are you looking at the person next to you on the treadmill and thinking they look exactly like the character you're trying to develop?
Are you plotting your next major career move, while you jot down bullet points about what you've learned along the way?
Have you had one of those moments where a simple word - like, breathe - brought you to tears?
Have you ignored that nudge in your spirit and in your heart that tells you - write it, write it and release it?
Whether your plan is to write the next bestseller, or to create a book just for you or your family, or whether you want to figure out a way to find clarity, resolution, strength, forgiveness, peace or whatever you are seeking in the words and stories that live within - I AM HERE TO SERVE YOU!
If you're the multi-millionaire who earned something more valuable than money because you had to make it through every realm of hell to succeed - together - we can craft your story. If you're the mover-and-shaker (I mean you make Olivia Pope look powerless) and you've got a brain full of power principles - together - we'll draft a project that everyone that wants to do what you're already doing will read. If you're the parent of the textbook definition of a strong-willed child, who knows that in the most difficult battles love still wins - together - we will assure your battle scars spill out powerfully on the page to help someone else.
If you're a spiritual leader who has tremendous insight that can catapult the lives of thousands in this time and dimension - together - we will release that insight into the atmosphere. If you're the one who always has the right word at the right time for everyone else - together - we will explore the words hidden within you to shift your life. If you're the conspiracy theorist or dreamer who spends countless hours believing the next best character and greatest plot EVER are waiting for you to write the novel - together - we'll develop the characters and scenes and settings that are to live for.
Come on - let's get together and create words that live, dance and move. Pick your PEN OF PURPOSE below!